School Services

Peace Library System offers two packages of service to schools and school jurisdictions. The Seed and Core packages are available on a fee-per-pupil basis. Other services are also available on a user-pay basis.

The Seed Package provides a full range of technical services for school libraries - ordering, purchasing, cataloguing, processing and delivery of library materials.
The Peace Library System's Technical Services are designed to eliminate or reduce the routine work that school librarians have to perform in their technical services area, thereby freeing them to spend more time serving students and staff. Besides centralizing the performance of certain tasks, Technical Services also offers some savings to members by making large volume purchases on their behalf.

  1. An orientation session to the following System services for new librarians.
  2. Discount Ordering of Library Materials.
  3. Centralized Ordering of Library Materials: Member libraries decide what library materials they wish to purchase, while the System takes care of ordering and payment.
  4. Library Materials Allotment: A fund account for each member library for the purchase of library materials.
  5. Onsite Processing and Cataloguing: Cataloguing means that an automated library will receive computer-readable records from the System created to an international standard (MARC).  Processing means libraries will receive label sets for each book, and book pockets and book cards, if required.  Book jackets are laminated by the System to extend the shelf life of the book.
  6. Delivery of Library Materials to the school.
  7. Bestseller Programs: Three programs providing members with rapid access to current, high-demand paperback, adult hardcover, children's materials.
  8. Library Supplies: In-stock library supplies available to member libraries at discounted prices

The Core Package includes a number of general consulting services provided by a professional librarian.  To receive the Core Package schools must participate in the Seed Package.

  1. An orientation session to System services for new librarians.
  2. A minimum of one regular library visit a year.
  3. Consulting assistance in the areas of library management and operation, including collection development, during the course of regularly scheduled visits.
  4. Provision of information by phone, e-mail or mail upon request.
  5. Provision of information to administrators and trustees concerning System services as required.

A number of services are offered outside of the two packages on a user-pay basis.

  1. Continuing Education: Designed for school libraries, public libraries and public library trustees, the Rural Libraries Conference provides information relating to the management and operation of libraries, and draws speakers from across Alberta.
  2. Cataloguing for a fee: the Seed Package includes cataloguing and processing of library materials purchased through the Peace Library System.  Materials purchased independently by a school library may be catalogued and processed for a per item fee.
  3. Extraction of Records for Automation Purposes.
  4. Large Scale Consulting Projects such as collection evaluations, weeding, and development of new school library collections.
