Blocks and Kits

Peace Library System has many types of materials that it loans on request to libraries to supplement their own collections on a temporary basis. The items are lent in blocks or kits as a single unit. We also coordinate equipment rentals for outreach activities. 

Book Blocks -   Books in various formats and genres to supplement the collections of member libraries.

Storytime Kits - Kits of picture books and puppets to supplement Storytime programs. 

Programming Kits - Kits of fun and innovative technology for programming. Member libraries can use them to try our new technology before purchasing and to offset programming costs. 

Equipment - Equipment rentals for events and outreach activities. 

To place a request on a kit or block please:

1. Check the availability of the preferred Kit/Block with the TRACKING SHEETS

2. Place your request, using this GOOGLE FORM

  • 1 request per form

Submitted forms will be sent to

You will receive a confirmation email with the confirmed lending dates and additional resources, specific to your request. 

Checking In/Out through Polaris

Blocks: check in each item to change status from "in-transit" to "in" (Check the Book Block Polaris Procedures)

Programming Kits: DO NOT check in items. Checking in/out of items is done at PLS HQ

Storytime Kits: DO NOT check in items. Checking in/out of items is done at PLS HQ

Links to resources: 

Programming Kits - Sample Lending Policy

Programming Kits - Conditions for Use

Programming Kits - Contents/Costs

Quick Links:


Programming Kits

Storytime Kits