
Ordering Supplies Through PLS

Peace Library System keeps a number of library supplies in stock to meet the needs of its members; these supplies are sold to member libraries at cost plus delivery cost. Our stock consists of the most requested library supplies and prices are subject to change without notice. Items supplied by Peace Library System do not include standard office equipment or furniture.

View the latest supplies list:

2024 Supplies Order Form 

We try to obtain the most reasonable price for the supplies by consolidating orders and by comparison shopping.

To order your library supplies, please fill out the supplies order form and send the order via email to If you have any questions, contact PLS headquarters at (780) 538-4656 or toll-free at 1 (800) 422-6875. 

You may purchase supplies that help to make your library materials shelf ready using your allotment funds. If you purchase supplies using your allotment funds, the amount deducted from your allotment for supplies will not include GST because we do not charge GST.

Member libraries may also purchase supplies using funds other than their allotment. GST and shipping charges will be added, as will a 10% handling charge to cover the cost of this service.