Contest Winners

Jun. 01, 2024

Tara Wiebe, Head of Adult Services at GPPL, knows the struggle for shelf space is REAL. She won the meme contest with a relatable meme poking fun at James Patterson (and other publishing juggernauts) and the difficulty of finding shelf space for his many popular titles. 

Charlotte Anderson, Emerging Technologies Librarian at GPPL, won the vintage photo caption contest. Charlotte, an avid reader and writer of fan fiction, pokes fun at the idea of ranking levels of reading, suggesting that all reading is valuable, whether you're on a ladder or on the ground. 

Congratulations to the winners of our contests! Each has won a $100 Earl's Gift Card, generously donated by CVS Midwest Tape. 

Thank you to everyone who participated. We received many wonderful entries, and it was great to see your creativity and imagination at work!  If you missed your chance to enter, there's plenty of time to brainstorm for next year! Do you have an idea for other conference contests or activities? Email