Canopy of green trees

Climate Action Planning (Part I): An Introduction


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Date: Wednesday, August 16, 2023
Time: 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Cost: FREE

Climate action requires a focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions combined with increasing community resilience, all through a lens of climate justice. Join this webinar to find out where your time and energy can be best spent in the face of the overwhelming nature of climate action. Learn from library practitioners who have been early adopters of climate action through the award-winning Sustainable Library Certification Program, to help organize your own thinking on how to implement a climate action plan at your library that will have the biggest impact locally and globally.

Presented by: Rebekkah Smith Aldrich (MLS, LEED AP), Executive Director, Mid-Hudson Library System (NY), Co-founder/Current President, Sustainable Libraries Initiative (SLI), and author

NOTE: 90-minute session
