Policy and Governance

Peace Library System Plan of Service

As required by library legislation, the Peace Library System submits a Plan of Service - goals, objectives and action plans - to the Public Library Services Branch every three years.

The engagement with our libraries and stakeholders for this Plan of Service cycle was not the same as in previous years, for obvious reasons. We were limited this year to remote, electronically mediated engagement sessions, which unfortunately do not encourage the kind of brainstorming and free-formthinking that makes for a creative group project. That being said, we were still able to engage with a number of our library managers and Board representatives in four Zoom sessions, held at various times and on various days in April. After reflecting on those conversations, a satisfaction survey and a Plan of Service “wishlist” survey was sent out to member libraries for libraries to complete, keeping in mind the needs of their patrons, staff and Board. Additionally, we also reviewed the plans of service for our member libraries to see where we could support them in their goals. Based on the results of those surveys and the engagement conversations, we determined the areas in which we should concentrate our efforts going forward.

Priority areas of service for 2022-2024 include:

  1. General Operations
  2. Steps to Reconciliation
  3. Training and Professional Development
  4. Technical Services
  5. Advocacy and Marketing
  6. IT Support
  7. Program Support
  8. Access to Resources

Find our 2022 Annual Report here

PLS Policies

F1        Finance
F2        Investment
F3        Reserves
F4        Purchasing
F5        Allotment Fund
F6        Trustee Expenses

Board Governance
G1       Trustee Continuing Education
G2       Trustee Orientation
G3       Policy on Policy-Making
G4       Provision of Municipal Library Services
G5       Trustee Recognition
Management and Operations
M1       Confidentiality
M2       Records Management
M3       Data Security
M4       Internet and Electronic Mail Acceptable Use
M5       Environmental Practices
M6       Meeting Room
M7       Health and Safety
M8       Working Alone
M9       Infectious Disease/Pandemic
M10     Social Media Policy
Programs and Services
S1        Materials Selection and Acquisition
S2        Resource Sharing
S4        Resources Lent to Libraries
S6        Provision of Library Materials to Persons Unable to Use Conventional Print Materials
S7        School Services
S8        Information Technology (IT) Services for Member Libraries
S9        The Alberta Library (TAL) Card
